If you have noticed a loss of money from your bank account, you should take the following actions immediately, which are necessary to protect your financial interests and address the existing situation:
First, check your transactions through your bank's application or via e-banking to ensure that the money has indeed been debited from your card. Sometimes, the amount may have been approved but not actually charged.
Contact your bank immediately once you realize that the money has been lost. Inform the bank about the incident and provide details of the transaction (date, time, reason for transfer/withdrawal of funds, and the amount). The bank may provide you with additional information regarding the transaction.
If you are certain that the money has been debited unlawfully, request the bank to immediately block your card to prevent further transactions.
Then, file a dispute statement with the bank and request a refund.
If you believe that your account or bank card has been compromised deliberately, contact the police, file a report, and provide any evidence you have.
If you believe that your account or bank card has been subjected to electronic fraud and/or personal data theft, contact the Cybercrime Prosecution Directorate and file a report.

After contacting the police and/or the Cybercrime Prosecution Directorate, provide the bank with copies of the reports.
Monitor the progress of the investigation regularly, cooperate with the bank and the relevant authorities for the swiftest possible resolution of the case.
In case of unauthorized transactions from your card or bank account, it is recommended to change your passwords to enhance your security.
If you find yourself unable to manage the situation independently, it is advisable to seek legal counsel. In such cases, it is important to act quickly and organized, so the involvement of a lawyer will ensure the timely and proper conduct of all procedures. The lawyer will assist you in preparing and submitting the appropriate requests and reports to both the bank and the competent authorities, as well as monitor the progress of your case.