Judicial decisions that are published and come into force in the territory of one state are not automatically recognized in other states. Within the framework of international conventions, there is a process for recognizing foreign judicial decisions. This process aims to ensure the smooth and effective functioning of interstate relations, contributes to social and economic stability, and ensures legal security.
The recognition of a foreign judicial decision allows that decision to acquire legal force and enforceability in Greece. This means that the decision can be executed by the Greek authorities as if it had been issued by a Greek court. The most common cases of recognition of foreign court decisions are related to family law matters, such as divorces, child custody, or alimony.
The process of recognizing a foreign judgment in Greece requires submitting a request to the competent Greek courts, which examine whether the conditions stipulated by Greek law and international conventions are met.
Our law firm has extensive experience in matters of recognizing the res judicata of foreign judgments and can effectively assist you in any case involving the judicial recognition of a judgment issued abroad. For further legal advice or to entrust your case to our firm, you can contact us at 2110017479 or by email at info.ignlaw@gmail.com .