I. According to Law No. 5038/2023 (Migration Code), a third-country national, during their stay in Greece, is obligated to declare, through the electronic services of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, to the competent authorities:
any change of their residential address,
any change in their personal status, especially changes in nationality, marriage, dissolution or annulment of marriage or civil partnership, or the birth of a child,
the loss, renewal, or modification of their passport or other travel document,
the loss of their residence permit or permanent residence permit.
The above declarations must be made within two (2) months from the date of the corresponding event, except for the renewal of a passport, which can be done until the date of submission of the application for renewal or reissuance of the residence permit, as well as the declaration of the birth of a child, which can be made within two (2) years from the child's birth.
Third-country nationals who fail to fulfill their obligations are subject to a fine of one hundred (100) euros, and in case of recidivism, a fine of two hundred (200) euros.

II. A third-country national who violates the deadline for voluntary departure or who otherwise stays illegally in the country for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days, is obliged upon departure to pay a fine equal to four times the prescribed fee for an annual residence permit, namely 600 euros. If the duration of the illegal stay exceeds thirty (30) days, they are obliged to pay eight times the prescribed fee for an annual residence permit, namely 1,200 euros.
Exemptions from fines are: a) minors, b) those who have the status of compatriots, c) those who have the status of spouse or parent of a Greek citizen, compatriot, or European Union citizen, d) those who participate in processes and programs of voluntary repatriation, e) those who exceed the legal duration of their stay in Greek territory due to force majeure, provided they depart within thirty (30) days of the event being eliminated. The determination of the grounds for exemption is made by the police authority conducting the departure check of the foreigner in each case.
III. In the event that it is proven by an official document from the competent Greek authority that false or misleading information, forged or falsified documents were used for the issuance of the residence permit, or that fraud was committed in any way, or that other illegal means were used, the applicant, a third-country national, is not entitled to submit a new application for the issuance or renewal of a residence permit before five (5) years have elapsed from the date of submission of their previous application.
If you need legal assistance, contact us! We offer a wide range of legal services, including: personalised advice on the criteria and requirements for obtaining a residence permit in Greece, preparation of the necessary documents, their translation, apostilisation and certification, as well as liaising with migration authorities and resolving all kinds of legal issues.