In Greece, the child support system is regulated by law and designed to provide financial support to children in the event of a divorce or separation of the parents. The legislation stipulates that even if a child has assets, they are entitled to receive support from their parents if the income from their assets is insufficient to cover their needs.
Obligations for Paying Child Support: In cases of divorce or separation, the court may order one parent to pay child support to the other parent who has custody of the children.
Amount of Child Support: The amount of child support depends on various factors, such as each parent's income, the number of children, their needs, and other circumstances. Generally, child support covers expenses for food, housing, utilities, medical care, clothing, transportation, communication, recreation, and education. The court considers all these factors and decides the amount of child support based on the best interests of the children.

Modification of Child Support Amount: If circumstances change (e.g., a parent's income changes), the concerned party can request the court to reassess the amount of child support.
Penalties for Non-Payment: Failure to pay child support can lead to both civil and criminal liability. According to Article 358 of the Penal Code: anyone who maliciously violates their legal obligation to provide support, recognized even temporarily by an enforceable title, in such a way that the beneficiary suffers deprivation or is forced to seek assistance from others, is punishable by imprisonment for up to one year or a monetary fine.
If you have any questions regarding the claiming of child support or face difficulties in collecting it, please contact us to receive specialized advice and legal assistance.